Sheffield MS Research Advisory Group (SMSRAG)
The Sheffield MS Research Advisory Group's mission is to involve patients at every stage of research in Multiple Sclerosis.
The group aims to:
- Positively embed patient perspective into research
- Help to shape research into multiple sclerosis
- Learn more about scientific and medical research
- Discuss our views and engage in creative thinking
- Work alongside researchers and those with experience of MS
- Critique research applications
- Improve the way we talk about research
- Be part of the Sheffield research community
- Identify and prioritise important research topics to patients
Our Vision
The Sheffield Multiple Sclerosis Research Advisory Group (SMSRAG) brings together those affected by multiple sclerosis. We are a group of individuals that use our unique knowledge of living with, and with those affected by the disease, to join the fight against it; helping shape future research.
Who are we?
Group members have all been affected by multiple sclerosis including patients and family members. We have a shared interest in enhancing patient care, improving understanding of the disease, and helping to develop new treatments and ways to manage symptoms.
What do we do?
Our main activity is to advise researchers at any stage of their research into MS. We offer feedback on research proposals, ideas to improve patient involvement and assistance in communicating their research to wider audiences.
How do we do it?
We hold quarterly face-to-face meetings and keep in touch via email/letter updates throughout the year. Our agenda varies widely from meeting to meeting; no two are ever alike. Researchers attend to discuss upcoming research ideas, as well as submitting written documents for critique.
What don't we do?
- We can't offer grants
- We're not a platform from which to take personal issues forward
- We aren't a complaints forum
For Further information please visit our webpage -